Solutions Through Private + Public Coalitions



Street Homelessness is Not a Given

We have the knowledge, people, and resources to provide safe and affordable housing in every zip code. When individuals find themselves experiencing homelessness, we can support them in a humane, cost-efficient, and effective manner. Urban Vision Alliance is building alliances in every city to do just that.

Our Partner Projects

We are starting in San Francisco, CA because of its longstanding homelessness issues — solve it here and you can solve it anywhere. Our first project is to support The Salvation Army in San Francisco to expand interim supportive housing and programs at six of their existing locations for an additional 1,500 people. We are also proud to support the work with DignityMoves on their 70-unit San Francisco interim supportive housing project.

33 Gough Street

DignityMoves – Site Plan

33 Gough Street

DignityMoves – Sleeping Cabin

850 Harrison Street

The Salvation Army — Existing property

850 Harrison Street

The Salvation Army — Existing property

1275 Harrison Street (Harbor Light)

1275 Harrison Street (Harbor Light)

1275 Harrison Street (Harbor Light)

360 4th Street

The Salvation Army – Existing property

Ways to Join Us


Every dollar leads to positive impact.

Be an Ambassador

Use your connections for a cause.

Join the Alliance

We’re looking for companies that care.

UVA is coming to Marin County

More Info